Hydraulic Cylinders:
Our workshop is fully equipped with hydraulic testing facilities and dismantling presses which enable us to completely overhaul hydraulic cylinders of any size. With our Machining and Welding workshops adjacent cylinders & cylinder parts can be manufactured as per sample or drawings; from small to extremely large Mast cylinders.
Underground Drills:
For 20 years now Taris Engineering has been servicing and repairing underground drills from around Australia. We have developed our own stock service exchange components and parts to minimise delivery time for repairs. Taris Engineering is extremely proactive, constantly researching to develop better methods or materials to provide our clients with longer lasting products.
Our repairs of Telescopic Sets, DPU Knuckle Assemblies, Hydraulic cylinders and Rod Changer/Carousels have been proven to outlast our competitor and OEM equivalents. We offer quality products at a competitive price.